Ryan Montgomery aka Captain Jack Spanner

Phat Boy  

Beve Record – Ryan Montgomery

Beve Appearances: 2 (2008, 2010)

Greensomes Record: P2, W2, L0
Fourballs Record: P2, W0, L2
Total Record: P4, W2, L2

Biggest victory: 6&5 v J Bickley/Hoy (2010 Greensomes)

Biggest defeat: 6&5  v Bickley/Young (2010 Fourballs)

Team Rush Appearances:2
Team Tonner Appearances: 0

Beve Trophies: ½
Pish Cups: 0

Hall of Fame #15

Millionaire Ryan likes nothing better than hanging out in LA with Paris Hilton and Simon Cowell. A serial playboy Ryan globe trots around the world hanging out at cool parties and driving his 60 foot speed boat harboured in Monte Carlo. Having dated some of the most beautiful women in the world it is little surprise that Ryan find women from Scotland a little dull and boring with post Beve trips to the Shed met with a shrug and who cares attitude. A self taught plus 2 golf golfer, Ryan ranks along one of the top players in the Beve but he does not like to show off so plays in the middle order. All this globe trotting though has made Ryan many enemies and in particular Andy Young who blames Ryan him being single for the last 10 plus years.
NB - This participant description has not been through the horn of truth.

  Beve Legend 2008
Beve Trophy Rating:     
Works on the weekly principle of one to one for miles run to pints drunk.



My Beve Profile


Ryan Montgomery aka Captain Jack Spanner


Favourite Beve Moment

Winning the morning and going 3-1 knowing full well that we should have won that day. However……


Worst Beve Moment

…….having the playing partner that lost us the inaugural trophy due to his in ability to hit balls (something we all know he thrives on in secret)! If blame has to lie somewhere it lies with The Gimp.


Your Best Shot in the Beve

Par 3 Birdie – Straight on the Green and then a 20ft putt to sink, Yep I had been practising…


Best Shot by an opponent

You may see where this is going…….Andy hit the ball…..no seriously this was unreal ,he previously hit 4 into the rough, a common place for him and more than that it was in a straight line, not technically an opponent, however I’m the only person to have had to play against 3 opponents in the same four ball.


Toughest Beve Opponent

Andy “Gimp” Young, playing partner but his golf was as good as his chat up lines! I was doomed from the start really…everyone was there for the taking that day so….


Favourite Beve Story

Seeing the surprise on everyone’s face when I arrived after missing a plane getting a bus and ferry and taxi to make it to the first T with 30seconds to spare! LEGEND!!


Sum up the Beve in one word



Match record – Ryan Montgomery
2008 Greensomes – Troon Lochgreen
2008 Fourballs – Troon Darley
2010 Greensomes - Ayr Seafield
2010 Fourballs - Ayr Belleisle
David BICKLEY/Andy YOUNG beat Stephen McGill/R.MONTGOMERY 6&5