Andrew Clark aka Indy


Beve Record – Andrew Clark

Beve Appearances:
3 (2008, 2009, 2010)

Greensomes Record:
P3, W1, L2
Fourballs Record:
P3, W1, L2
Total Record:
P6, W2, L4

Biggest victory:
2&1  v O’Shea/Hare (2008 Greensomes)

Biggest defeat:
4&2  v Hare/Rush(2009 Greensomes)

Team Rush Appearances: 2
Team Tonner Appearances: 1

Beve Trophies: ½
Pish Cups: 1 (2009)

Hall of Fame #17


A maverick golfer, capable of extraordinary highs and desperate lows, Indy has become known as the housewives' Ian Baker-Finch. A reliance on energy drinks and glucose sachets to keep energy levels high during last year's tournament saw him almost overdose on glucose: an impromptu bout of rave dancing in a greenside bunker was only narrowly averted by a downpour of biblical proportions mid-way through the afternoon round. An all-round good guy and unrepentent hedonist, Indy brings an enthusiasm and joie-de-vivre that is unrivalled both on the course and in the bar..    
Beve Trophy Rating:     
Holy Moses, he likes to drink    



Indy rips one down the 10th at Gleneagles.


My Beve Profile


Andrew Clark aka Indy


Favourite Beve Moment

Celebrating a hard fought, honourable drawn match in the first Beve with a cold Guinness and a first rate steak pie


Worst Beve Moment

Winning the “Pish Cup” – that kind of shit can ruin a man’s career Baker-Finch style


Your Best Shot in the Beve

Can anyone really remember this stuff after the post match booze up?  Just for the significance of it, holing the three footer on the 17th to win me and Mo Shamash the morning match of the first Beve


Best Shot by an opponent

Pfff, pick any one of countless wedge approach shots by mister Darragh Hare – up and down more often than a whore’s knickers


Toughest Beve Opponent

Myself – inner demons and the intense pressure of the Beve mean I struggle to replicate my best form on the big day. Hoping to rectify with various homeopathic treatments (and two cans of Super) pre tee-off


Favourite Beve Story

Too pissed to remember anything with any degree of reliability.


Sum up the Beve in one word




Match record – Andrew Clark
2008 Greensomes – Troon Lochgreen
Mo SHAMASH/Andrew CLARK beat Tony O'SHEA/Darragh HARE 2&1
2008 Fourballs – Troon Darley
Tony O'SHEA/Darragh HARE beat Mo SHAMASH/Andrew CLARK 2&1
2009 Greensomes – Dullatur Antonine
Darragh HARE/Kevin RUSH beat Rob BILTON/Andrew CLARK 4&2
2009 Fourballs – Dullatur Carrickstone
Kevin RUSH/David WALKER beat Andrew CLARK/Mark DAVIDSON 3&2
2010 Greensomes - Ayr Seafield
Tony O'SHEA/Andrew WEIR beat Rob BILTON/Andrew CLARK
2010 Fourballs - Ayr Belleisle
Andrew CLARK/Steve LAW beat James TONNER/Andrew WEIR 1up