The Matches - Match 16

2009 Fourballs - Dullatur Carrickstone
Rush/Walker (Team Rush) beat Clark/Davidson (Team Tonner) 3&2

Pish Cup winners 2009The opening 7 holes of this match were memorable for three things: Rush being mocked by his playing partners for being the only one to miss the first green off the tee, before sinking a 40 foot putt from off the green to win the hole (GIRFUY); Davidson holing an even longer putt on the 2nd and then going on a run that put his team 2 up after 7; and Indy noticing on the 4th green that Kevin hadn’t changed into his golf shoes and was wearing a pair of very shiny, very slippy shoes.  Twat.

With Scott Wilson dispatched to retrieve the Capn’s shoes, and despite being 2 down at the turn, Rush and Walker took command of this match on the back nine and Rush’s run of 9 regulation pars from the 8th to 16th was good enough to overturn the deficit and clinch the match on the 16th.  David’s 100% record was preserved, even if he developed a habit of being in the trees looking for his ball while each hole was settled.

After heavy defeats in the morning, this result was good enough to seal the Pish Cup for Clark and Davidson (above).

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