The Matches - Match 6

2008 Fourballs - Troon Darley
Rush/Thomson (Team Rush) beat Davidson/McGill (Team Tonner) 1up

McGill reflects on "that" puttOh man.  Nervy, nervy stuff.Beve Classic

Team Rush had a great morning in the first ever Beve Trophy.  3 wins from the 4 matches left them just 1 and a half points from victory.  But the captain seemed glum.  Why would he seem so unhappy when his team were in such fine form?  Because his was the game they lost in the morning, going down 2&1 to the heavily handicapped Davidson/McGill combination.

The first Beve Trophy saw the same matches go out in the afternoon, and Captain Kev was primed for revenge.  And it started well.  Rush and Thomson smoothly pulled away, opening up a 2 hole lead in the early stages which surely they would hold on to.

Their chances seemed to improve still further as Mark’s dodgy back hampered his contribution, and Rush and Thomson continued their steady progress towards victory.

Then McGill took out his putter.

What followed was an unbelievable display of backs-to-the-wall one putting from McGill.  1up with 6 to play, Team Rush approached every green thinking that this would be the hole where they would increase their lead and gain a cushion.  As news filtered in from the course that Team Tonner was on course to win the other three matches, it became clear that the entire match hinged on these few holes.

After a stupendous up-and-down from a pot bunker at the par 3 12th, McGill one putted 14, 15, 16 and 17 (where it seemed certain Team Rush would seal the match after Rush found the green in two).  The inaugural Beve Trophy would be decided on the last hole.  

Rush’s drive caught the edge of the bunker and plugged right in the face, but Thomson found the fairway.  Both Team Tonner players followed suit.  A few hearty blows later and Thomson lagged a beautiful 50 foot putt to inches.  McGill – who hadn’t missed a putt in 6 holes – was left with a 15 foot putt up the hill to halve the match and win the Beve Trophy.

“Straight and firm” he thought.  “Straight and firm”.  That’s how he likes it.

He hit it straight.

And firm.

The ball moved towards the hole, never deviating from its line.




“It’s in!”

“It’s in!”

It’s out again!


He blasted the thing.  Hit the back of the hole and popped out.

Captain Kev went for a nappy change and Team Rush held on to win the point.  The first BT was halved with every single player gaining a point.  Tommy Sheridan would be proud.

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