The Matches - Match 24

2010 Greensomes - Ayr Seafield
Parker/McGill (Team Rush) halved with Liddell/Young (Team Tonner)

All square at last!.Beve Classic

A match that, at the outset, had all the hallmarks of a very close game, proved to be just that. Parker, McGill and Young had all played in the previous year’s Greensomes at Dullatur so had the advantage of having witnessed how each other played. The newcomer Liddell was the unknown quantity in this group and performed well on his Beve debut.

Parker and McGill took the first hole comfortably but that was about as good as it got for Team Rush. The following 8 holes were all close affairs but Team Rush was two down by the turn. McGill couldn’t settle into a rhythm stating that his driving wasn’t up to his usual standard. Combining this with the fact that Parker was having trouble judging the pace on the lumpy and scorched Ayrshire greens, Team Rush were in trouble.

Although Young was finding it hard to keep his mind on the game (numerous texts from the girl he turned down the previous night in favour of an early night – had Captain Tonner imposed a sex ban?) his driving remained consistent throughout the game. Liddell’s excellent short game made them a formidable pair leading by 3 after the 12th. Team Rush immediately pulled a hold back at the 13th making the last 5 holes a tense affair.

The final holes saw something of a recovery from Team Rush winning both the 16th and 17th. So it was to be settled on the last hole with the support of both team Captains who had turned up for the final push over the line. A difficult shot into the last green from Parker (chip or bump and run on the solid bare earth was the quandary) came up short and the chance of snatching a victory on the 18 slipped through Team Rush’s fingers.

Overall a draw seemed a fair result and this match goes into the record books as the first to finish All Square in Beve history.

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