The Players - The Beve Legend 2009

Stephen McGill

Stephen McGill

Stephen was a strong contender for this award in 2008 thanks to his penchant for necking red wine from a plastic water bottle during the morning greensomes.  He then went on to down three pints of Guinness over lunch before producing an incredible afternoon putting display which put his team one shit putt at the 18th away from winning the Beve.  But on that occasion he lost out to Ryan Montgomery’s Captain Pugwash adventure.

However, McGill was not to be denied.  As the teams lined up for their official photos in 2009, it was clear that one man was missing.  That man had stayed in the casino until 5am and boldly decided that he would “just stay up” before the 9am start of BT2K9.  Unfortunately, his will was as steady as his hands and he went to bed.  £45 for a taxi brought him to the first tee at Dullatur where he arrived looking like Old Tom Morris might look now.  Stephen then hit the best drive out of all 24 competitors and administered a 4&3 thumping in the morning.  Fatigue – understandably – did for him in the afternoon, but the man who puts the bevvy in the Beve is more than worthy of his legend status.